
Average score 345 Reviews
YiNi noted on Google

(Translated by Google) It was delicious and the service was great! Très bon et le service est bien! Je recommend! (Original) 很好吃,服務也很好! Très bon et le service est bien ! Je recommande !

1 year ago
Marie-Christine SZILAS noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Everything is very good on the specialty menu and authentic, which is rare... (Original) Tout est très bon dans la carte des spécialités et authentique, ce qui est rare...

1 year ago
Shawn Gesini noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good restaurant, the skewers are very good, the dishes too. The service is also very good, reservation the same day for a birthday following a conflict with another restaurant, so a large group for the same day and no worries! Birthday cake accepted without worry (it is better to warn them before if necessary to keep it in the fridge) (Original) Très bon restaurant, les brochettes sont très bonnes, les plats aussi. Le service est très bien également, réservation le jour-même pour un anniversaire suite à un conflit avec un autre restaurant, donc un gros groupe pour le jour-même et aucun souci ! Gâteau d'anniversaire accepté sans souci (il est mieux de les prévenir avant si besoin de le garder au frigo')

1 year ago
Jean-François Émilie noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Excellent value. The dishes are very generous and tasty. A plus for the terrace!!!!💗 best fish broth in Paris, I could eat it every day! Whatever take away or on site it's the same quality! On top 😍 (Original) Excellent rapport qualité/prix. Les plats sont très généreux et savoureux. Un plus pour terrasse!!!!💗meilleur bouillon poisson de paris , je pourrais mangé toute les jours !quelque soit emporter ou sur place c’est le même qualité ! Au top 😍

1 year ago
Roland Ntangu noted on Google

1 year ago
Axel Michaux noted on Google

(Translated by Google) very chill atmosphere, very calm, really excellent food, my favorite restaurant (Original) ambiance très chill, très posée, nourriture vraiment excellente, mon restaurant préféré

1 year ago
Di Feng noted on Google

1 year ago
레아LÉA noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Nice atmosphere! Great restaurant to eat and drink, very affordable price 5€ the big TsingTao but the dishes too! It was my second time is really not disappointed even better than before (Original) Ambiance sympa ! Super restaurant pour boire et manger, prix très abordable 5€ la grande TsingTao mais les plats également ! C’était ma deuxième fois est vraiment pas déçu même meilleur qu’avant

1 year ago
Basile Garcia noted on Google

1 year ago
Joshua M noted on Google

One of my favourite meals in Paris! I had the spicy eggplant with ground pork and bok choy! Still thinking about this perfect dish. The sauce, the eggplant was perfectly cut and cooked. Also the bits of ground pork...add some white rice on the side for a nice compliment. They were about to close until dinner, but the staff were still so friendly and welcoming. I really appreciated it! I know asian food and would highly recommend this place :)

1 year ago

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75011 Paris, France

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